
This Is Who We Are

We are so proud of all our students! Here's what some of our graduates have to say about the program. 


"Mr. C, his program and mentorship, saved my life."

Meet Edward, our recent club member graduate that has turned into a mentor and leader in the program. After graduating high school, he went straight to work and helps with his siblings as much as possible.


"I like the unity in Lowriding 2 Success. We all come from different backgrounds, different things, but we all laugh the same at the end of the day."

Meet Neyzer, he's a senior at Harmon High School and has received a full ride scholarship to Avila University! Neyzer plans on staying involved with the club after graduation to help mentor other students.

"I have a friend in the program who, you know, was a little troubled in the past," Neyzer explained, saying the friend didn't know if he'd graduate. "But then he met Mr. C., he met the program and got involved, and now, you know, he's got his high school diploma. The other day he was talking about maybe going to community college, and now he's got a good job."


Meet Ashley, a senior at Wyandotte High School.  Ashley will be attending Johnson County Community College and obtaining her Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

" Joining the Bike Club really affected my life, it has really helped me feel like I am a part of something. Seeing so many positive people really affected the way I carry myself, having people that are there for you is mentally relieving and helps you strive for success. The Bike Club has really pushed me to be successful. With the help of Mr. C and Mrs. C, I have gotten many scholarship opportunities. I now have the motivation to go to college and do what I want. Because of them, I am now enrolled in Johnson County Community College and will be going there to get my BSN. I am truly grateful for Mr and Mrs C and what they have done for me and the club."


Meet Yaquelin.  She was referred to L2S while she was on probation.  We helped her enroll in the GED program through YouthBuild. She completed her house arrest and probation without any violations.  

She voiced that she was thankful for L2S, and will continue on having earned a new bike.


A special thanks to my mom for being there when I was on diversion and also a very special thanks to Mr. C for being there for me for about a month with the program. The people there are very nice, and I have finally been released from diversion and hope to be involved in L2S for as much as I can. Another thanks to Mr. C for helping me with my community hours.

Words from Gerardo's Mom:

"First of All, I want to thank you Mr C not just for letting my son join this program, but I want to thank you for giving your time to all of the kids, for believing in them, to teach them about what they are capable of, to teach them respect, responsibilites, and how to do good things in life. What Gerardo learned in this program was the importance of making your bed in the morning. He's still struggling to do it but he remembers every day. He regrets getting in trouble but at the same time he is thankful that he was able to meet all of you. He has proved a lot and it is all thanks to this program and Mr. C and all of his crew."


"At the start of going to the club I didn’t talk to anyone. And once I kept going, I started talking to people; I started to fit in the club and meeting the kids there. People who have similar problems and get what I’m going through. And I started talking through my feelings to Mr. C and he has really showed me the way I started doing better and progressing. And being at the club gave me a second chance it felt like another home. For once I felt like I belonged some where. After months of me being there I started feeling really good. I love going there. To be honest I didn’t even wanna go at the start. I told my mom I don’t think I would like going there. Now I love going there it was the best Decision I could ever make."


"My honest opinion about Lowriding 2 Success: I really like it. It shows me that I can do anything that I put work into; but sometimes there'll be days where I don't want to do anything, but when I get to the club, it felt like a whole new family that raise me up to do something and I want to thank Mr. C for everything that he did for me."


"I think the club helped me out. It was like another family. Any time I would think of doing something dumb, I would think about the bike and all the mentors and how they basically talked to us about how we control ourselves and any time I needed help I could just call and ask about whatever. It kept me on point so I wouldn't get in more trouble and I got to meet a lot of people with different types of jobs so I can be looking into my future."


"Hi guys my name is Antonio, Today I wanted to write something down about Lowriding 2 Success. First off, I wanted to start off by thanking everyone from lowriding , for leading me the right way, helping me look at things different, giving me hope and most importantly… A Second chance! Mr.Cervantes has a been a blessing and an awesome guy since the first day I met him. He’s really been helping me accomplish goals in my life . Something I thought I wasn’t going to be able to do. Cervantes helped me look at life different even understand it differently. The first day I stepped in the building to Lowriding, it really felt good. I knew things were going to change especially with all the positive energy around there. I look at everyone as a second family is how close I feel with everyone. I really feel like I’m at home when I step in that building. Nobody ever gets left out everyone gets along together and we all help each other out. One thing about this club is we’re not trying we’re doing!"


"I would like to thank everyone involved in this program specially Mr. C for opening the doors for me. I love their teachings and how they’ve helped me to take a step back and think before I act. To always follow my dreams regardless of how impossible they may seem. I loved the atmosphere and getting to other young people. I have nothing but very positive memories and I will always do my best in life. May God continue to bless everyone. "


"Lowriding 2 Success was an awesome fun place to be. I’m glad I was allowed to be in the program it was fun.. but I went through hard time throughout the program and every single member of the program was doing the best to make me smile..I’m glad I was in this program I recommend 10/10 "


"Lowriding 2 Success helped me turn my life around for the better. Once I had gotten out of JDC I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. Soon after that I started going to the club. At first I didn't like going but I still went anyway. Eventually I liked coming to the club every week. It is a really great experience at the club for me. And I really liked building my bike. Some things i took away from the club were to choose my friends wisely because who you hang out with impacts you."


"The bike club was a fun experience and it helped me become more productive and helped me distract myself from other things."


It is an absolute honor to share this particular success story. This young man is not in the system and we feel blessed that our paths crossed over two years ago. He has been a model student of LOWRIDING 2 SUCCESS KCK. Eddie embraces all the qualities that anyone would want their own children to. He's Kind, polite, helpful, positive, respectful and makes his bed almost every day.!! Eddie has received a full ride scholarship to Avila University where he will study business administration. We are proud of you Eddie and you always have a home at L2SKCK as the past graduates. You built a beautiful bike.

Eddie: "I remember being with Mr.C for a minute now. First in another club and now in Lowridering 2 Success, it wonderful to see a lot of success going on I will forever be grateful with Mr and Mrs. C, and the mentors for making not only me but also my brother feel cared for everyday. I feel like ive grown as a young man I really do think about my action before I do them now, also ive gotten better at networking which is very important now and days, and also I make my bed almost everyday so thank you once again for everything. I'll keep coming back."


Meet Daniel. Daniel is very knowledgeable about cars and mechanics. Unfortunately,  he did not complete his probation successfully but, he earned his High School diploma and he earned his bike.

Daniel: "I truly enjoyed being a part of this bike club. Mr. C gave me a safe place to go and learned about myself and others. Most importantly I was myself! I've learned that I'm not alone, help was always there and never be afraid to ask for help. It was amazing going to car shows, meet new people and be a part of L2S and the Lowrider community. This club thought me critical thinking and to have hope and a vision! I will forever be grateful to every volunteer and mentor!"


"This bike club has made me think about the possibilities of a better future for myself. This is a family that I will always be grateful for. I thank all the volunteers, Mentors, Mr. C & Mrs. Jay for your support and never giving up on me. This is my village."


"The bike club is a place where I could be myself and build friendships. One thing I liked about the bike club is that everyone is openminded and respectful. One way the bike club helped me was I could clear my mind when I got there and everyone is positive and supportive about what we have to say. Being at the bike club helped me become a much better individual and become more positive towards myself."